I wrote the following email to Paul Proctor who had the gall to write an article crowing about Kyle Lake's death and the message it undoubtedly sends to emerging church people like myself (Kyle was tragically electrocuted while performing a baptism)...
I wonder if I should even blog about this... We have a real amazing range of people in our church community, everyone from very long time Christ-followers to people just starting out on that journey or even just hanging back and exploring. I hate to expose them to people who call themselves Christians and talk like this. But I guess it's a bit like the whole drugs/sex/cinnabon talk you have to have with your kids at some point. If they don't hear it from you, they'll hear about it somewhere else, right?
So, to all you who read this blog who have recently started out with Jesus or are thinking about it... Yes, there are people who claim the name of Christ, but forget the Christ-like attitude. They forget the words of St Paul who told us "The Lord's servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone. They must be able to teach effectively and be patient with difficult people. They should gently teach those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will believe the truth."
Please don't base your judgment of Jesus on folks like this who ignore the clear words of Scripture... In fact, please don't base your judgment of Jesus even on me or others at evergreen. We all fall short.
Perhaps I'm even falling short in what I said in this email... I just don't know how to make people like this hear what I'm saying...
From: [email protected] Subject: your ridiculous article on Kyle Lake's death Date: November 14, 2005 6:34:30 AM PST To: [email protected]You, my friend, come across as an insensitive jackass. I realize that's your schtick- that's how you get and keep readers, by throwing them the red meat...
But to make hay at the death of a pastor? A pastor/husband/father who loved God, loved people, preached the Gospel to them??
To take (some of) the words of ONE sermon and write off an entire ministry because in a message reminiscent of the psalms and the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Kyle was telling people to enjoy life?No- you are wrong my friend.
Care to take a guess at the number of reformed, baptistic pastors who die each year vs the number of emerging church pastors who die each year? And care to draw any theological conclusions from the result? (And did you remember that Martin Luther was struck by lightening? John Calvin had a child who died at 2 weeks old... clearly the hand of God's judgment, right?)
It's fine to talk about Ananias and Saphira because the text SAYS why they died.
You people, Ingrid Schleuter, Paul Proctor and the rest of you ghouls are a bit more like Job's friends... insisting he had done wrong because his suffering "proved" God was punishing him.
I wish Kyle could speak to you from heaven, where as a follower of Jesus he's now resting... maybe he'd say something like this: "Won't you ever stop your flow of foolish words? What have I said that makes you speak so endlessly? I could say the same things if you were in my place. I could spout off my criticisms against you and shake my head at you. But that's not what I would do. I would speak in a way that helps you. I would try to take away your grief." (Job 16)
I hope that the next time your family has a tragedy, you are responded to in a more Christ like way than you and others here have responded to Kyle's death.
I have a feeling I should probably stop talking about this, stop worrying about a thing people like this think or say... it would undoubtedly be for the best.
I just read Proctor's post. I'm not going to make any comments about your e-mail, because it seems tame to me at the moment. But I would like to say that it amazes me that so many Christ-followers (trying to show grace) are still wistful for the Crusades.
Posted by: Scott | November 14, 2005 at 07:19 AM
I saved two drafts of an email to him but I think I'm content to let you do the talking. I gotch'yer back.
Posted by: jason | November 14, 2005 at 07:22 AM
found proctors article at slice of laodicia and i left a comment there.
good to see someone else objects to his outrageous conclusions.
Posted by: andrew jones | November 14, 2005 at 07:47 AM
bob...thanks for this, I couldn't have said it any better.
Posted by: petew | November 14, 2005 at 10:36 AM
I too am in agreement with your response. Proctor's post was truly ungenerous.
Posted by: Dan | November 14, 2005 at 11:06 AM
I went to UBC all through college and met Jesus in a real passionate way there. It is funny because I actually talked with Kyle about saying "Jesus" more often my freshman year and now I laugh at myself. He was so gentle with me. Thanks for this response. He is a true follower and life long learner of Christ... we appreciate you.
Posted by: | November 14, 2005 at 10:39 PM
Bravo, Bob.
Posted by: tony jones | November 15, 2005 at 07:45 AM
That is really unbelievable and appalling. I have no words to describe the anger I'm feeling. I may write him an email myself.
Posted by: Canticles | November 15, 2005 at 08:06 AM
thanks everyone (and thanks Tony!) for the props...
Posted by: bob hyatt | November 16, 2005 at 05:02 AM
I applaud you in responding to Proctor...I have wanted to respond but the nutcases out in internet land are not worth the energy.
As for dealing with Proctor....I would prefer to respond with a scientific
definition of job which his name can be associated with!
Proctology is the medical field on the diseases of the rectum, anus and
pelvic floor.
Posted by: soulpastor | November 17, 2005 at 09:51 PM
Why insult jackasses?... even Balaams donkey spoke more truth than paul proctor.
Posted by: iggy | November 18, 2005 at 10:50 PM
Thanks for posting your email Bob. I agree with you completely! I too have some beef with Paul Proctor over a different article he wrote attacking MY pastor. Wow, that's all he seems to do.
Posted by: Maya | December 09, 2005 at 02:23 AM