Rose left this comment on my previous post about the church building on Hawthorne that was being torn down...
I hear you. We live next door to a church building. When we moved into the neighborhood 7 years ago it was a church in decline. We met them but they didn't believe we were really "saved" because we were not KJV only...our son and neighborhood kids used the parking lot to learn to ride bikes, play basketball etc. We never saw more than a 10 people there at one time. Last summer a new pastor came in to revitalize the church. They put up "no parking" signs in the lot and did not want the children playing in the parking lot...they used the sign board in front to post all the Timothy passages that have to do with modest women and submitting to authority....a few months ago we saw them moving items out...when we asked if they were going somewhere they said "yes, we are merging with another church" they told us they sold the building (we did not see a for sale sign) and they couldn't tell us anything about the deal. They said we would know in about a week but it was sort of like a church. Our new neighbors are Thai Buddhist monks with a group of about 30 people -- it's a meditation center. They have worked the past few months to beautify the grounds, are very kind to the neighbors, the kids are welcome back on the property...a 20 something that I know told me they were so relieved that the Buddhists have moved in...she said the other group scared her and she worried about the kids because "those Christians were scary" probably enough said..."
I have a buddy that is working on the inspection side of the demolition of the church, and he told me that they were tearing the church down to build condos and store fronts on the street level. Probably would have been a nice meeting place for a younger church....
Posted by: Nate C | June 27, 2008 at 11:33 AM