Preaching Today has posted their Top 10 Blog posts of 2008.
And just below NT Wright, and DA Carson was the part three of my interview with them on dialogical preaching. Nice.
December 11, 2008
We've crunched some numbers and here are the Top Ten Preaching Today Blog posts from 2008. As you click away, please feel free to leave a comment or two in spite of being late to the party…
1. N. T. Wright on Resurrection
3. D. A. Carson: Is Our Gospel Too Big? (PT Talk, Episode 8)
4. Dialogical Preaching (part three)
5. Preaching Through the Bible in a Year
6. Books for a Preacher's Soul
7. The Dilemma of Notes (or, Preaching Notes: Yea or Nay?)
8. Haddon Robinson and the Man Who Sold His Life on eBay (PT Talk, Episode Seven)
Unfortunately, the article is hidden in the subscriber archives... I'll have to see if I can dig those up. The way they edited them made me sound purty smart. Editors is cool!
Congrats. You can't beat #4! Unless of course you are #3, #2, or #1. But, um, good job anyway. ;)
Anytime you're on a list with NT Wright and John Calvin that has to be good!
Posted by: e. barrett | December 15, 2008 at 12:11 PM